Periodontal diseases are bacterial (microbial) infections that affect and destroy the tissues that surround and support the teeth (the periodontium). The tissues concerned are the gingiva, the attachment fibers (ligament or periodontium) and the bone that supports the teeth.
Periodontal diseases represent, with tooth decay, the main diseases of the oral cavity.

To maintain healthy teeth, it is essential to also keep your gums healthy and remove subgingival tartar deposits.

Inaccurate inflammation can permanently damage your dentition. To avoid this, we put in place appropriate care to stop the process and preserve the health of your teeth.
The periodontium is the supporting tissue of the tooth: the gum and the bone.

Periodontal diseases or periodontitis are bacterial infections that manifest as gingival bleeding, retractions of the gingiva and bone loss around the tooth that may cause dental mobility.

Plaque and tartar are the triggering factors of periodontal disease since they serve as a support for the bacteria that cause this phenomenon.
Periodontal diseases can be controlled and stabilized by a treatment comprising several phases :
Etiological treatment consists in eliminating plaque and tartar by learning special oral hygiene techniques, by descaling and surfacing (root curettage).
Surgical treatment occurs only in more severe cases and involves making flaps to have direct access to lesions and in some cases to fill these lesions
Once the disease has stabilized, it is imperative to set up a regular follow-up, a prophylaxis (every 6 months) to avoid recurrence.